Scheduled access management

QACAM enables you to schedule access for users with Discord roles.

Group based access will always prevail over Discord roles based access.

When you allow a Discord role using the AllowRoles() function you can also specify a time at which users will be allowed to join. You can do this by passing the function a second argument which will have to be the unix time in seconds (Seconds elapsed since 1st January 1970 at 00:00 UTC).

ALL_DEFAULTS will allow all default roles to join at any time.

-- Require the module
local QACAM = require(script:WaitForChild("QACentralAccessManager")

-- Allow QA Leads to join starting 27th September 2023 at 14:00 UTC
}, 1695823200)

-- Validate players when they join
    local AccessResult = QACAM:GetAccessForPlayer(Player)
    -- value will be false if the player doesn't have access
    if not AccessResult.value then

QACAM will consider scheduled roles in ascending order based on their schedules.

Consider the following scenario:

Two scheduled roles: 14:00 UTC, 16:00 UTC, in this case QACAM will let players join at 14:00 UTC because it is the earliest time.

Roles priority

If the player has unscheduled matching role and a scheduled role, the unscheduled one will prevail over the scheduled one and will let the player join immediately.


If a player attempts to join before the scheduled time they will get a "You are not allowed to join yet, please try again later." kick message.

Last updated